Nexus Tech

Nexus Tech delivers advanced, feature-rich Discord bots tailored to your needs. Explore our custom bots through our Shop, GitHub, or Bot Maker Bot to find the perfect solution for your server.

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Nexus Documents

👋 مرحبا, Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Ciao, Guten Tag, Olá, Привет, こんにちは, 안녕하세요, 你好, สวัสดี, שלום, Merhaba, שלום, سلام, Dobrý den, Labas, Hei, Aloha, Kia ora, Salam

Documents - Nexus BOTS

Documents - Nexus Games


    Nexus Games brings you the best in gaming offers! Enjoy high-quality games and personalized selections crafted just for you!
    You can start using the bot just by using the /configure command. To learn more about the bot, you can choose one of the categories from the Select Menu for more information.


    Nexus Games Bot Overview
    Nexus Games is a Discord bot designed for gamers, offering several useful features:

    • Free Game Deals:

    Stay updated with the latest promotions for games that are temporarily free.
    The bot regularly posts information about these offers, helping you grab free games as they become available.

    • Find Teams for Games:

    Looking for teammates? The bot helps you find players for a range of games. Whether you’re looking to join an existing team or start a new one, this feature connects you with other gamers.

    • Minecraft Server Information:

    Get details about Minecraft servers, including server status, player counts, and other relevant information. This helps you find a Minecraft server that fits your preferences.


    Free Game Deals with Nexus Games Bot

    • The Nexus Games bot is your go-to source for staying up-to-date with the latest free game offers. When a game becomes available for free, even for a limited time, the bot automatically posts the details in your designated channel. This ensures you never miss out on expanding your game collection without spending any money.

    • One of the standout features of the bot is the


    command. This command allows you to customize where the game deals are posted in your server. You can select a specific channel where all the free game alerts will appear. Additionally, you can choose a role that will be mentioned every time a new deal is posted, ensuring that the right people in your server are notified immediately.

    • This level of customization makes it easy to keep your gaming community informed and engaged with the latest free game opportunities.


    Nexus Games Bot Commands


    This command allows you to set up where the bot will post free game deals. You can select a specific channel for the posts and also choose a role to be mentioned whenever a new deal is shared.


    Use this command to choose the game roles in your server. These roles represent different games, and users can select them to indicate their preferred games.


    If you need to remove a role that was previously selected using /select-team-role, this command will delete that role from the bot's list.


    This command shows you a list of all the game roles that have been registered in the server using the /select-team-role command.


    The bot sends an embed with three select menus:

    ˚ The first menu lists the game roles registered with the /select-team-role command.
    ˚ The second menu lists the voice channels in the server.
    ˚ The third menu lets you select the team size.


    Use this command to choose the bot’s display language. You can select between Arabic or English.


    This command allows you to select between Java or Bedrock and then displays the Minecraft servers registered for the selected platform.


    Get the current status of a Minecraft server, including player count, ping, and other relevant details.


    This command creates a category in your server named after the selected Minecraft server, along with two voice channels:

    ˚ One channel shows the server's status (online or offline).
    ˚ The other shows the number of players currently online.


    Removes the category and voice channels created by the /monitor command.


    If you encounter an issue with the bot, use this command to report the bug. It allows you to log any problems you’ve experienced.


    Displays the current status of the bot, providing information on its performance and any active issues.


    Changes the bot's prefix for your server


    Sends a link to a help guide or support channel via direct message.


    Provides an invite link to add the bot to other servers


    Nexus Games Commands



    • Description: Players are given a disassembled word and must put it together to win.

    • Aliases: [stick, ادمج]



    • Description: A general knowledge question is asked. The first player to answer correctly wins.

    • Aliases: [اسالة, Queries]



    • Description: Players must type a given word as quickly as possible. The fastest correct answer wins.

    • Aliases: [اسرع, Quick]



    • Description: A word with missing letters is provided. The player who fills in the missing letters and writes the correct word wins.

    • Aliases: [letter, حرف]



    • Description: Players must click a button as quickly as possible. The fastest clicker wins.

    • Aliases: [زر, playbutton]



    • Description: A misspelled word is given. The player who types the correct spelling wins.

    • Aliases: [صحح, fix]



    • Description: Players are given a set of numbers that need to be sorted. The fastest player to sort them correctly wins.

    • Aliases: [ترتيب, arrange]



    • Description: Players are given a word and must decipher it to win..

    • Aliases: [فكك, uncover]



    • Description: Players choose the correct color from a set of options. The first player to pick the right color wins.

    • Aliases: [الوان, Tints]



    • Description: A word is given in reverse. The player who writes it correctly in the normal order wins.

    • Aliases: [ اعكس, reverse]


    findteam Command

    The /findteam command is designed to help users find teams for various games within your Discord server.
    When you use this command, the bot sends an embed with three select menus to facilitate the team-finding process:

    Game Roles Menu:

    • This menu displays the game roles that were previously registered using the /select-team-role command. Users can choose from these roles to indicate which game they are looking to form or join a team for.

    Voice Channels Menu:

    • his menu lists the voice channels available in the server. Users can select a voice channel where they prefer to communicate with their team or where they are willing to play.

    Team Size Menu:

    • This menu allows users to specify the desired size of their team. Options for team sizes are provided, enabling users to find teams of various sizes based on their preference.

    Additional Information:

    • Number of Games:
    The bot supports up to 25 different game roles. This allows for a wide variety of games to be selected and organized within the server.

    • CooldownThere:
    is a cooldown period of 5 minutes between each /findteam request for a single user.
    This cooldown helps prevent spamming and ensures that all users have a fair chance to find teams without overwhelming the bot or the server.